Tuesday, March 19, 2019

writing, writing!

Happy Tuesday all! For this posting, I'm finally going to be talking about the interview and article! As I mentioned previously, I interviewed Dr. Sheryl Sugerman, my AP psychology teacher from last year. I decided to interview her because I know that she is very passionate and knowledgeable about her subject, and I was sure that she could provide interesting information on it. Last week, I asked her the questions I'd prepared, and since then, I've been assimilating the information she gave me into a written format. 

I was a bit nervous about writing this article, as I wasn't sure what sort of tone and/or voice I should take on. My experience with writing has generally been with school essays or creative writing. This seemed different to me because I know that fashion magazines have a very specific sort of vibe and energy to their writing. I also wanted to have an idea for my two-page spread template when writing my article. So, I went to Canva and found this example template. I chose this one to base my magazine spread on, although it was originally a newsletter sort of format. I did this because I like the set up of it. Because my article is about the influence of color, I want to include a lot of pictures featuring clothes with the colors I'm referring to. This format has space for many of these pictures. So far, I was thinking of doing some sort of intro on the first page, with pictures and explanations of colors. On the second page of the spread, I would include the written component of the interview, possibly also including another picture. It would end up looking something like this:


This is still a rough idea. I also am not 100% sure how many colors I will be including, because I don't think I'm going to have all of the ones I photographed. I took pictures with the colors orange, blue (light and dark), black, green, red, and pink featured. However, I'm sure I could use the extra pictures for other aspects of the magazine. 

When it comes to the article itself, I did some research on how to write this article. A Flipsnack Blog gave me information on how interview-based articles work. They can be written in a literal style, narrative style, or a hybrid of the two. Literal directly states questions and quoted or paraphrased answers, while narrative simply describes everything said in the third person. I mainly utilized the narrative style, but I did include some quotations from Dr. Sugerman. This would be an example of this writing:

"...An example that she provided was how wearing red would create feelings of power and confidence for clients. This demonstrates how color has an impact on our impressions of people. In addition to this, when it comes to color and remembering things, Dr. Sugerman argues that the visual will always be easier to remember.  She says “Language is a made up thing…anything visual is much easier to recall than words. Words have meaning, and to have meaning, you have to understand and link it to something.""

I am still planning on having my article writing revised, as well as shortening my content. The Magazine Designing site gave me information on how I should format my article onto the magazine, and due to this info, I am aware that my article may currently be too long. This may cause me to alter my format or content to make sure everything fits correctly. I am still deciding on an easy to read font, and I want the size to be either 10 or 11. I'm going to continue editing this week, as I hope to have a finished product soon.

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