This is the final version of my magazine! :)
jpg version:
Table of contents:
Double page spread:
png version:
Table of contents:
Double page spread:
This is my second to last blog post! Here I will be including the youtube link to my Creative Critical Reflection below:
Hellooo again! For this blog posting, I'm going to be reflecting on my project overall as I am nearly finished. I have basically finished my cover, table of contents, and double page spread. Today I just recently finished up revising my article and applying the edits that my teacher suggested to the spread. So now I want to talk about some important moments in my project as well as changes from what I originally planned.
One of the first unexpected things for me was realizing that I had to interview someone for my article. When my teacher told me this, I experienced a moment of panic, as I didn't know anyone in the fashion industry to interview. However, as soon as I figured out it could be someone in psychology as well, I immediately thought of Dr. Sugerman! I was so grateful when I found out that she would be willing to be interviewed, but another small obstacle occurred. Dr. Sugerman has not studied a lot on color psychology in and of itself. So, when I wrote my interview questions, I had to do plenty of research and gear my questions more towards psychology in general, relating several topics to color and perceptions. This was successful and I was able to get so much useful information and opinions from her through these questions. Then, all I had to do was take notes on the information and order it, then (attempt to) write the article in a concise and flowing way.
Another aspect of this project that caused me difficulty was the photography aspect. I love taking pictures of nature, but I'm completely not accustomed to taking pictures of other people. During the process, I was very stressed out trying to figure out the best way to do things. But I did a lot of research that helped me out greatly, as well as getting advice from friends who have studied photography and were able to help me take more successful pictures. Once the pictures were taken, I did experience some difficulty in using the editing program at my disposal. But once I played around with it, I was able to edit all of the pictures that I needed.
Once I had my pictures and was ready to piece together the magazine, it ended up being a lot more difficult than expected to put all the pieces together. The cover came together pretty quickly once I had my cover image, but my table of contents required a lot of thought. As I mentioned in a previous posting, I was originally planning on making the background of my TOC the same color as my masthead font, but once I really looked at this, I realized it looked somewhat tacky. This caused me to edit the color to be lighter and look better. I also did research on Vogue magazines to decide how long a typical fashion magazine would be in order to establish page numbers. I moved around the order and organization of my pictures on my TOC as long as the text a lot of times before finally being satisfied with it.
And my double page spread was a similar process. I did still have some writing and revising on writing left to do when I started putting it together, but I had to be very careful with the spacing of everything since the first page of my spread includes so much content. I did end up being able to follow the format I planned for the spread completely, so I am happy that that turned out how I wanted.
All in all, I did run into a few obstacles when creating this project. However, I was able to work through these obstacles in the end through careful research and considerations. I am very proud of my finished product and happy that I was able to make my vision for this magazine come true. Now I am in the process of setting myself up for recording my CCR. I'm revising the content that I'll be saying while deciding which visual elements I'll be displaying. This is going very well, and I'm hoping to post it within the next few days.